Pre-Purchase a Balloon Flight Video


Balloon Flight Video (via Drone)

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Record your flight for years to come with the GOBR Drone video package.  Our licensed FAA Drone pilot will document your launch with the GOBR Drone.  We will also find a place ahead of your flight path around mid flight to video your flight even further.  Then we will meet you at the landing site for more drone footage.  We package all this together in an 4-8 minute video for you to keep for years to come.


NOTE:  Mid flight and landing video is weather permitting.  Depending on wind direction and speeds it may not be possible to get out in front of the balloon.  In about 80% of the time we are able to do this but there is a chance that the wind speed or your flight direction could prevent us from getting mid flight or landing footage.  We will however get great footage of the inflation and launch of your balloon flight.  Visit our YouTube page for more samples of balloon flight videos.  @GreaterOrlandoBalloonRides-r5d

Additional information

Balloon Video

Short Video (4-6 minutes), Short video (4-6 min) with all stills, Short Video (4-6 min) with all raw footage, Full Video (8-10 minutes), Full Video (8-10 minutes) with all stills, Full Video (8-10 minutes) with all raw footage


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